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Class 10 NCERT Solutions Civics Chapter 4: Political Parties

Political Parties Exercise 61

Solution 1

Following functions are performed by the political parties in a democracy:

  1. In democracies, political parties contest elections for the formation of the government.
  2. Various policies and programmes are prepared by the parties based on which the voter decides to vote.
  3. When the political party form the government, it makes laws for the country.
  4. Political parties which are in opposition put a check on the functioning of the government by criticizing them for any wrong policies or politics.
  5. Parties by supporting various pressure groups and movements shape the opinion of the public.
  6. Parties help people access the government machinery and help them utilize the benefits of the welfare schemes.

Solution 2

Following are the challenges faced by political parties:

  1. Lack of internal democracy: In political parties, there is a concentration of power in few hands. In such cases, some members become too powerful and take all decisions, while no importance is given to other members of the parties.
  2. Dynastic Succession: Generally, very easy entry is given to the families of the members of the political parties. Under such circumstances, inexperienced members become the members of the party while the deserving are left out.
  3. Money and muscle power: Since the main aim of political parties is to capture power and form the government, parties focus only on winning the elections. Many business houses influence the decisions of the party and government by providing funds to the parties.
  4. Decline of meaningful choices: Due to the decline of ideological differences, voters do no have many options during elections.

Solution 3

Following are the reforms that may strengthen political parties:

  1. A strong law should be formulated to prohibit members of political parties from changing their parties for their own selfish gains.
  2. A law should be framed to regulate internal affairs of a party.
  3. At least one-third of the seats should be reserved for women.
  4. The influence of business houses on deciding the policies of the parties should be restricted.
  5. Strict laws should be passed to prevent criminals from contesting elections.

Solution 4

A political party is a group of people who agree on some common policies and programmes for the welfare of people in the society. Such people come together and contest elections to achieve their common goals.

Solution 5

Characteristics of the political parties are as listed below:

  1. Political parties agree on some agendas and policies to achieve the collective good of the society.
  2. Political parties try to convince the people to vote for them.
  3. Parties reflect the fundamental divisions that exist in the society.
  4. Partisanship (strong commitment to the party and its ideologies) is another important characteristic of a party.

Solution 6

Political party

Solution 7

(c) CADB

Solution 8

A. Kanshi Ram

Solution 9

D. Modernity

Political Parties Exercise 62

Solution 10

(b) A and B

Solution 11

Yes, I agree that Muhammad Yunus made the right decision. Being a Noble Peace Prize winner and leading economist of Bangladesh, he was not satisfied with the present economic development of the country. He wanted the rapid development of the economy of Bangladesh, and hence, he decided to form his own political party.

While many people appreciated his decision some people did not like it. I agree with the statement made by Shahedul Islam, a governmental official who said "Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government," and "That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority."

Many people did not like his decision as they were afraid that his party may come into power as it might be supported by the masses due to the policies of his party.

I think that this party would be different from the other parties as Muhammad Yunus would contribute towards the development of the nation by improving its economy, creating jobs and introducing reforms in the agricultural sector.

If I would have started a party, I would defend it be saying that in a democracy every person or a group has the right to form the government. I will present an argument that the people of Bangladesh need to choose between traditional parties which have no new policies and unconventional parties who want to improve the economy of the nation.